Five Stages of CAS: A Supportive Framework

The three pillars of a CAS Project i.e. creativity, activity, and service are fulfilled by the robust and supportive framework of the CAS stages.

CAS stages assist students in investigating an interest, creating a plan, and carrying out an idea along with reflecting on what is learnt on the way.

Diagram Description of the five Cas stages

The five CAS stages are as follows. 

1. Investigation: 

  • Identifying interests, abilities, and talents.
  • Exploring about CAS opportunities and areas for personal growth and development. 
  • Understanding the purpose and desired outcomes of CAS experience.

2. Preparation: 

  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Creating a plan of action
  • Identifying resources and timetables, and
  • Learning any necessary skills to participate in the CAS experience.

3. Action: 

  • Putting the plan or idea into action.
  • Executing problem-solving and decision-making.

4. Reflection:

  • This is the most important aspect of CAS Experience
  • Recounting events, expressing thoughts, producing ideas, and posing questions.
  • Reflection assists in critical thinking and bridging the gap between expectation and outcomes.

5. Demonstration: 

  • Demonstrating what is learned and how it is achieved through their CAS portfolio 
  • Consolidating the learning and eliciting responses from others through demonstration and communication.

CAS enables students to explore new and unfamiliar challenges and develop their ability to communicate and collaborate with others.