Bored of same questions?
Now just choose a particular topic, set your timer and build your own test. Blen helps you focus on improving your weaknesses and gaining confidence on your strengths.
Tired of taking it all alone?
Get connected with your tutor, track your assignment, readings and much more effortlessly.
Blen ensures you get all that support and help needed to ace your IBDP better.
Never ending topics making you panic?
Get a quick understanding of the key concepts for that perfect last-minute revision before your exams. Blen helps strengthen the basis and link key concepts to the core questions.
Wondering how to crack this impossible question?
Receive an instant feedback and ensure that you started off at a level that’s best suited to achieve your unique learning needs. Blen adapts question patterns based on difficulty level, made perfectly for you.
Looking for more questions?
Once you complete any test, just try to reattempt it and discover an all-new set of questions to practice on.
When we say unlimited, we mean Unlimited because little is not enough.
Clueless what was expected from you?
Get structured and simplified solutions for each question you face. Discover detailed step-by-step explanations curated by IB Experts.
Blen ensures you comprehend the rationale behind those questions.
Tired of searching in the vast ocean?
Now you can bookmark important concepts and questions for quick reference for that eleventh-hour revision. Blen ensures you invest more time learning and less time organizing.
Scared to face the real IB exam?
Now create exam-like situation with full length and timed mock tests and get yourself evaluated. Blen helps you create exam strategies, manage your time, and evaluate your performance, all in one place.
Clueless where you went wrong?
Now not only count how many questions you got correct rather get detailed score card. Blen helps you track your performance in tests and highlight the areas to work on and learn better.
Worried about your overall progress?
Now not only track your overall progress but also re-visit attempted questions and revise at your own pace. Blen ensures you track your progress topic-by-topic and discover the areas to work on and ace your exams better
Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile. Blen is accessible from any device as we believe learning never stops.
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