Discover Predictive Paper for IBDP M23 Exams

Our goal at Blen is to help students prepare for IBDP exams by doing proper review. We meticulously assemble exam-style questions that have been altered from IBDP Past Papers to that goal.

IBDP educators, teachers and students can take advantage of Blen’s digitized key concept notes, thousands of practice questions, and infinite “Build Own Test” features.

Presenting Predictive Papers:

We are glad to announce the release of Blen Predictive Papers curated for M23 Exams. These full-length papers are the appropriate representation of the IBDP examination papers. These papers, which depict the format and topical weighting of the official IBDP Examinations.

Our team of IB Examiners and content creators meticulously tracked all IB past exams, which topics are most common, the relative weighting of topics and subtopics, and are curating these Predictive Papers to prepare you for the upcoming IBDP May 2023 Examinations with the aim of simulating the types of questions that students will be asked on their diploma exams.

What will be published, and when?

Blen believes that learning should never stop and that’s why, we are already LIVE with Predictive Papers for the following subjects:

We are super excited to launch the first ever Predictive Papers for May 2023 Examination for the following subjects:

These include Paper 1, Paper 2 and for Mathematics AA/AI HL, Paper 3. Each Paper features full, detailed written solutions, in addition to an explanation for multiple-choice questions and a step-by-step illustration of how to solve them.

How to get access to these Predictive Papers on Blen?

Blen Predictive Papers can be accessed from Test Builder and is absolutely free with all subscription packages.

Test builder of Blen students application.

If you have not enrolled for one of our paid packages, Blen recommends you choose the appropriate subscription package and take full advantage of not only Predictive Papers but also the Learning Platform.

Stop procrastinating, let’s make the best out of your IBDP Revision Days with Blen.

It’s Now or Never….