Take a Chill Pill During IBDP Exams

Few weeks before the IB examinations, students typically experience a lot of strain, but for many, breathing becomes difficult under pressure, diverting their attention from their studies. The anxiety of studying for examinations is a test in and of itself, therefore if you experience the same anxiety and feelings, you are not alone.

It's a norm in the IB world

But we assure you that, we are in this together and we understand your situation; days start passing faster under the stress of the exams. Therefore, considering everything, we have sorted a list of suggestions and ideas to keep your chin up during these tough times.

Be Positive Be Confident

Practice replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Everyone encounters mind talks though it's up to you how strongly you won't let your negative thoughts become an obstacle for you. Maintain a positive mindset and keep telling yourself if you have come this far, you definitely can achieve bigger.

Be Proud of Yourself

Give yourself a reward for making it this far. We are not suggesting that you spend more money to purchase an expensive gift; definitely not. You can spend some time listening to your favorite music or ordering your favorite meal within your finest spending limit. If this makes you feel more jovial, you should definitely go for it.

Be Hydrated Eat Healthy

We all agree that during the stress of the exams we often forget to take our meals on time. Eating a healthy and proper diet is a good way to get some rest in between your studies and it's beneficial as well. Drink your water and eat your vitamins if you want to keep a fresh mind for your exam preps.

Be Focused on your Ultimate Goal

It will be easier for you to remember why you are doing this and how hard you have worked for it if you keep your objective in mind. Tell yourself what you anticipate from yourself for a little period of time while closing your eyes. You can also put sticky notes on your room's wall or the mirror in your bathroom to serve as a constant reminder of your goals and ambitions as you move around.

The secret is straightforward. You just have to be a little kind towards yourself and Whoa you got it!

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